Spinal injections, or epidurals, for low back pain have been found to help relieve pain and aid patients in returning to performing daily activities, according to the results of a recent study. The study, conducted by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care Institute for Quality Care, reported that more than 78% of patients receiving spinal injections reported their pain improved, and 82% reported they were able to return to performing daily activities. Additionally, 52% of patients were able to reduce their pain medication after the procedure.
The report went on to say that the amount of time a patient spends in the facility can be an indicator of patient safety and satisfaction. The average facility time (the time from patient check-in to patient discharge) for a patient who was getting a spinal injection was 86 minutes, with the longest being 179 minutes.
You have more important things to do than waiting for an injection. At InterveneMD, we value your time – our facility times are less than half of the national average.